lizard falling on head in dream
Friends, today I again appeared in front of you all with a new topic titled Lizard falling on the head in a dream, what is its meaning, will its result be auspicious or inauspicious, let us know through one of our posts that our life is incomplete without dreams. If there are no dreams, then our life will be colourless. In such a situation, we see different types of dreams while sleeping, innumerable dreams which have no other left and we remember only a few dreams.
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lizard falling on head in dream We forget the rest of the dreams, some dreams which are scary or some dreams which please our mind, we can remember only those dreams, in such a situation, if the dream is of a lizard like Jio, then that dream is not forgotten. And on top of that, seeing in a dream that a lizard falls on the head, then what to say? is supposed to.
That if a lizard falls on someone’s head and says (see the meaning of seeing a lizard falling on the head in a dream), then his luck opens, the locks of his luck open? But what does our dream science and astrology say, whether the coming time will be auspicious or inauspicious when a lizard falls on its head, we will try to know through this post what will be its effect on our life.
lizard falling on head in dream
Answer :- If this dream is seen by a employed person, then it means that suddenly he is going to get a lot of good and golden opportunities and there is a strong possibility of occupying a high position. Both at workplace and at home. You will be applauded at places, people will be attracted towards your aura and weight will come in your speech and your work will also be done and the coming future will be very auspicious and will bring good fortune for you.
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lizard falling on head in dream

Answer:- If this dream is seen by a sick person, then it means that now his diseases are going to end and his mental and physical problems which he had for so many days will gradually end and his future will be better. He will be very golden and he will be well, his income will also increase in his livelihood, contact with people will increase, due to which the sources of income will also increase.
lizard falling on head in dream
Answer:- If an unemployed young man has seen that a lizard has fallen on his head in a dream, it means that good opportunities are going to rain in his pocket. And those people will not be called unemployed for long, now they will have their own name in the society and people will look at them with respect. Along with money, they will also get social benefits, very soon all their dreams are going to be fulfilled.
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lizard falling on head in dream
Answer :- If a lizard is seen falling on the head by a newly married couple who has a desire to have a child, then it means that their empty lap is going to be filled. By the grace of God, now his house is going to be resounded and a bright boy or girl is about to arrive, who will enhance his fortune and there will be an atmosphere of happiness in his family.