What does it mean when u dream of being pregnant?
Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream (Dream About pregnancy)
Married women have many dreams when they are about to become pregnant, sometimes it happens that a woman who is about to become pregnant, sees herself pregnant or someone else pregnant through the dream. Dreams come to everyone, but if you see pregnant women in your dreams, then what will such dreams tell, we will give you complete information in this post today.
Dream About pregnant Woman in dream meaning
Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream?

It is considered a good dream. Sometimes we see dreams that we do not know at all and we go all the way to know the meaning of the dream. Let’s try, today we will know about such a dream which is considered to be a very auspicious dream. Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream, (pregnancy in dream meaning) If you see a pregnant woman in a dream, then this dream is a very good dream. Let’s go into detail about this dream.
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Dream About pregnant Woman in dream meaning
1. See pregnant woman or pregnant woman (Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream)
Answer_ If a woman sees herself pregnant in her dream, then this dream indicates the attainment of good news in the coming time, not only that you can also get money in the coming time. So that too will benefit money in the coming time.
Seeing another pregnant in a dream?
Answer_The dream astrology says that if a woman sees someone pregnant in a dream, then there will be a lot of happiness in the coming time, and this dream is done by Israel and this dream also indicates more wealth. If a woman is in trouble, then all her problems will be removed. Such a dream tells that, if a man dreams that he sees someone else pregnant in his dream, then this dream is considered highly auspicious for a man. This dream indicates the benefits of wealth and the removal of problems.
Dream About pregnant Woman in dream meaning
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