Corona virus: corona virus india in hindi, corona virus treatment
corona virus
A new coronavirus is spread in China, which has killed 40 to 50 people so far. Or virus is a very dangerous virus which is an infection virus. Or the virus has spread rapidly in the thing. This coronavirus is spreading rapidly inside China, so far 444 cases have been reported. According to the official newspaper, 40 people have died so far.
Extreme vigilance is also being done in India regarding Corona virus. Thermal screening has been arranged at airports with the country. Passengers are being screened at the airport as the virus is an infection virus that is spreading rapidly so it can easily pass from one person to another.
corona virus
This virus is the new corona virus, which was first caught in China in the month of December. Now this virus is spreading very fast in many countries except China. Such as the virus has spread in Thailand, Japan, US etc. This virus can also spread in India, so the Indian government has made strict restrictions for it. This infected virus is a new type of virus that scientists have tried to detect, which has revealed that this new type of virus has been known by analysis of genetic code or that it is compared to other coronaviruses that have the ability to infect humans. SARS is more proximal. This corona virus named SARS is considered very dangerous.
Symptoms of corona virus
(Symptoms of corona virus)
• Headache
• running nose
• sore throat
• fever
• Sneezing, worsening of asthma
• Feeling tired
• pneumonia and lung inflammation
Where did the corona virus come from?
(Where did coronavirus come from)
This is a completely new type of virus. This virus goes from one species to another, and then infects humans. During this period, Indica does not know exactly how it infects humans and it spreads rapidly.
How does this virus spread?
(How this virus spreads)
Chinese officials say that many such cases have been reported till date, which has confirmed that the virus is transmitted from one person to another. Officials say that there have been cases in which patients have been exposed. Health care workers are also showing signs of infection.
The biggest fear about this current virus is that the lungs are being affected firstly, as soon as this virus is infected, the infected person complains of cough and nausea.
Corona virus treatment
(Corona virus treatment)
There is no cure for coronavirus at this time. Antibiotics do not adapt to viruses, so their use is futile, although antiviral drugs can be useful, but it takes years to understand and solve new viruses.
As of now, there is no vaccine available to get rid of coronavirus, scientists are doing vaccine to treat this virus.
To avoid this, all we should do is put mass in our mouth and those who have got cold should stay away from the heart. Because it is a corona virus infected virus.
corona viruscorona virus and treatment