dates dream interpretation, dates dream meaning

dates dream interpretation, dates dream meaning

dates dream interpretation, dates dream meaning

Dreaming of dates (dates dream meaning)

Hello friends
You all must know the dateDates are found only in hot countries, by the sea or on the sandy plains. Trees of this caste go straight up like a pole. There are many types of dates, but the main two are considered – one is wild and the other is native. Wild dates are called Sendhi and Kharak etc. It is not very long, it is found in the states of Gujarat, Bihar and Bengal etc. in India. The fruits of the wild also do not work. Fresh toddy of date palm is sweet and good and vinegar is made from it.

The date palm tree in India is 30 to 40 feet in length. Their trunk is covered with the leaves of old fallen leaves. Leaves are 12 to 15 feet long and up to 1 inch wide, tufted and turn into thorns below. The flowers are small and unisexual and grow in different Sashakh Manjirs, which are covered in hard sheets at the base.

Dream astrology and dates (dates dream interpretation)

Dates are very important in dream astrology. Friends, in astrology, dates are seen from the point of view of knowledge. Friends, all of you will know that dream comes to everyone and every dream has some meaning. Friends, Sapna is such a thing that if anyone knows it, then she can know very well what will happen to her in the coming time. And he can be careful. Friends, there are very many stages of dreaming like: Seeing dates in dreams and eating dates in dreams and selling dates in dreams and seeing palm trees in dreams and climbing palm trees in dreams and buying dates and dreams in dreams Cutting down of trees We will know the answer to the question of these states one by one through questions and answers.

Question 1. Seeing dates in a dream? (Dates dream meaning)

Answer: According to the dream astrology, if a person sees a date in his dream, then this dream is considered auspicious, he will have good knowledge of learning in time and his mind will get pleasure in doing good work. If a woman sees this dream, then this dream for them also tells us that they too will have a good knowledge of learning and they will be happy to do good work.

Question 2. Eating dates in dreams? (Dates dream meaning)

Answer: According to dream astrology, if a person sees himself eating dates in his dream, then this dream is considered auspicious, he will have good knowledge of learning in time and his mind will get pleasure in doing good work. If a woman sees this dream, then this dream for them also tells us that in their coming time, they too will have good knowledge of learning and they will get pleasure in doing good work.

Question 3. Selling dates in dreams? (Dates dream interpretation)

Answer: According to the dream astrology, if a person sees himself selling dates in his dream, then in his coming time, he may suffer physical pain, disease and illness. If a woman sees this dream, then this dream for her also tells us that in her coming time, she too may have illness, physical pain and illness.

Question 4. Seeing palm tree in the dream? (Dates dream interpretation)

Answer: According to dream astrology, if a person sees a palm tree in his dream, then he may have some disease in his future, physical pain and illness can happen, if a woman sees this dream then for her This dream tells the same way that they too may have physical pain in their future time, some disease may occur, some disease may occur.

Question 5. Climbing a palm tree in a dream? (Dates dream meaning)

Answer: According to dream astrology, if a man sees himself climbing a palm tree in his dream, then he may have some disease in the coming time, he may suffer physical pain and disease can happen if a woman sees this dream. So for them also this dream tells the same way that they too may have physical pain in their future time, some disease may occur, some disease may happen.

Question 6. Cutting the palm tree in the dream? (Dates dream meaning)

Answer: According to the dream astrology, if a person sees himself doing the palm tree in his dream, he will get health benefits, knowledge of learning and happiness in doing good work in his future. If a woman sees this dream, then this dream for her also tells us that she too will have a good knowledge of learning in the future, she will also get pleasure in doing good work and will have health benefits.

Question 7. Buying dates in a dream? (Dates dream interpretation)

Answer: According to the dream astrology, if a person sees himself buying dates in his dream, then this dream is considered auspicious, he will have good knowledge of learning in time and his mind will get pleasure in doing good work. If a woman sees this dream, then this dream for them also tells us that they too will have a good knowledge of learning and they will be happy to do good work.

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