Seeing raw rice in dream
Friends, in this post today, we are going to talk about what it means to see rice in a dream, friends dreams to everyone, many people also see ghosts, ghosts and animals in their dreams. All dreams have different meanings. Friends, all people come dreams, many people also see some scary dreams, but friends, we should not be scared at all by seeing the dream, so it is auspicious to see rice in the dream or inauspicious means we are going to tell you in detail, so come, friends What is the meaning of seeing rice in a dream? Friends, before knowing the meaning of a dream, I want to give you some more information related to astrology. Friends, some dreams are visible to us in the day.
In such a situation, some dreams have no meaning like some dreams are visible to us even in the afternoon, but such dreams have no meaning, these dreams do not give us any fruit of any kind, dreams have been mentioned since ancient times. It is being mentioned that these dreams are also mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharata, these dreams indicate in many ways, sometimes a dream appears to us in many ways, the same dreams appear to us in different ways, friends If you give us many kinds of hints then friends today that in this post you will talk about two dreams related to rice in your dreams.
So let’s know what it means to see raw and cooked rice in a dream. Friends, we will first talk about what it means to see raw rice in a dream.
Dreaming of raw rice?

Answer: Friends, according to the dream astrology, if raw rice is seen in the dream, then understand that your enmity with someone is going to end and the appearance of raw rice in the dream also indicates that at this time someone from you If you are going to get an item or a gift, then seeing raw rice in the dream in all ways is considered an auspicious fruit dream.
Seeing cooked rice in a dream?
Answer: Friends, in this post today, we are going to know the meaning of seeing cooked rice in a dream, so let us know, according to the dream astrology, to see cooked rice in a dream is considered auspicious and this dream And indicates that your financial situation is going to improve at this time, money is going to come from somewhere in your house. Sometimes rice dream is also seen by connecting it with a friend. Bar rice is coming, even if it is in any condition, then understand that soon you are going to meet a friend of yours, then if the rice appears raw or cooked in dreams, both these dreams give you an auspicious sign.